Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bienvenidos, Pepe!

On Saturday April 18th I pulled into the church parking lot at 10:30am. As I got out of my car and headed towards the admin building to work, a black Chihuahua puppy came bounding across the grass straight towards me! I squatted down to pet him and he immediately jumped into my arms (aww!!) I stood outside for a few minutes to see if his owner would come running after him, but no one came!

Of course, at this point I was already making plans to buy dog food and a doggie bed, but I decided to call Patrick first. After much urging and begging, Patrick came to the church to check out the puppy. "Daddy's here!" I squeeled as I shoved the dog into his arms.

Well, after checking for a microchip at the vet, hanging fliers, calling the SBCA, posting ads, and calling people selling Chihuahuas to see if one had gone missing, we have heard NOTHING.

Pepe has now been with us for 5 days. We found that he is already trained to go potty outside (pooping is another story) and when I found him he was clean as a whistle with soft little paws...where is this dogs owner?! Was he dumped? How could anyone do that to sweet Pepe?

I think God gave him to us :) :) :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Let me preface this by saying I hate it when people talk about how much they work. "I worked for "X" hours today!" "I've been here since X:00 AM!" "I haven't had a day off since X!"

It gets under my skin like nothing else. It's like talking about how much you eat. We all eat. We all have to eat to survive. Why talk about how much you eat? We all work. We all have to work to survive. Stop talking about how much you work.

In fact, someone just recently was talking to me about how they work "soooo much" and the nicest thing I could come up with to say despite the rage flaming within me was, "Yeah. We all work hard."

Despite my feelings towards talking about how much one works, if I'm going to post about anything that remotely reflects what's going on in my life right now I can't avoid talking about work...because right now, that is my life. Fortunately, I love my work, and my work is ministry. And ministry is a nice thing to have consume your life.

Patrick's work continues to be interesting. Oh, he needs more the keep your ears open.

When I'm NOT working, I'm apparently losing weight. (Size 6?!) Or maybe I just don't have time to eat...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Blue-skadoo, we can too!

Have you ever noticed....

That said...who is THIS???


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Off-beat Things I Love

Bank of the West, how I love you. I remember when Patrick and I first met you in Decorah. We knew we needed a bank with a branch in California, so naturally we chose you. Not only do you provide outstanding service at every single branch we've visited, but you gave us each free toasters just for getting checking accounts. True, they were almost worthless, but that's OK, because we now have an outstanding toaster-oven to do all of our toasting. Thank you, Bank of the West...for caring.

Wii Fit, you were the bargaining chip Patrick used to make it OK for us to own a video game console after I swore up and down that such a thing would never enter my place of residence. Because of you and your hula-hoop game I now have rock solid obliques, a heightened sense of balance, and a false sense of athletic superiority. Additionally, I love you because the leaves that fly across the screen change with the seasons, because you wished me a happy birthday complete with confetti, and because you care enough about Patrick, his health, and his whereabouts enough to ask me about him frequently.

Honey Maid Morning Sticks, I bought you in anticipation of a chocolate fondue party that never happened. I remembered you from when Deb had you for her chocolate fondue party at the Roush house. Honestly, my sweet sugary cinnimmony friends, I am glad I didn't have to end up sharing you, for your graham cracker taste is so delightfully addicting. I am thankful for a husband that doesn't snack.

Nordic Chior's New Release
, I love you for obvious reasons, but mostly because of TRACK 8. Note to self for next time: publishing before releasing = royalties., you are the warm fuzzy blanket wrapped around the cold hard reality of budgeting. You make tracking my money fun. Everything is in one convenient place--you track my credit card purchases, the debits and credits to my accounts at my awesome bank (see #1), and you show me my net worth. You collect data and show me spending trends in colorful pie charts and notify me with an email when I've exceeded my monthly budget for restaraunts. And you do all this for the reasonable cost of just $0 per month.

"Sprall", you are the unique season that occurs in mid-October in Bakersfield. A combination of Spring and Fall, you trick the senses. Although we know that "winter" is coming, you are the season during which we emerge from our homes after the long hibernation of air-conditioned bliss to escape the oppressive heat. We picnic, we sit on the porch, we run in the park, we do "out-doorsy" things. We wipe our noses due to allergies. The grass turns green because there is no sweltering 109-degree sun to scorch it into a lifeless brown. It might even rain a few drops. Yes, there is plenty of Spring in Sprall, but Autumn is still evident through a few colored leaves, the smells of the air, and America's favorite all-encompassing, time-sucking, husband-stealing passtime: Football. OK, maybe you aren't one of my favorite things, but you are still noteworthy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pictures from "work"

Me and some of my small group girls!

Guitar Hero

Laser Tag!!

Twin girls from my small group: Maicey and Allie!

I love them, they are so crazy and fun!

My youth team leader, George, challenging a student to the bungee run

Laser Tag!!!

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Why I Love My Job

1. Bulletin board decorating

2. Games like duck-duck-goose and red light/green light

3. Yesterday I left work at 2:00. Today I'm not going in till 5:00.

4. When I go to work today it will be to play laser-tag and Guitar Hero

5. Photography and Newsletters

6. Designing and Proofreading

7. Music and Skits

8. Children's Sermonettes

9. Christmas Musical

10. Small Group with Middle School girls